Bridges illustrated in our Structures D&T software

Beam bridge, continuous span bridge, simple span bridge, cantilever span bridge, cantilever with suspended, span bridge, deck truss bridge, Warren truss bridge, Pratt truss bridge, Howe truss bridge, lattice truss bridge, plate girder bridge, deck beam bridge, steel structural sections, orthotropic beam bridge, rigid frame bridge with inclined legs, rigid framed bridge with V-legs, stone arch bridge, open spandrel deck arch bridge, spandrel braced arch bridge, cantilever through truss bridge, trussed deck arch bridge, trussed through arch bridge, ribbed arch bridge, suspension bridge, cable stayed bridge.

Photo Galleries

Structures D&T includes two photo galleries, one showing the bridges across the River Tyne at Newcastle and the other showing the River Danube bridges between Vienna and Budapest.

Bridges at Newcastle  

Bridges on the River Danube


The animations and photo galleries give a comprehensive introduction to the structure of bridges.

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Structures D&T can be found on our KS3 D&T software.

KS3 D&T: Single User Licence £40; Site Licence £80

Structures D&T: Single User Licence £30; Site Licence £60

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