Wood Joints Animations and Interactive Tests: An Assessment for Learning Resource

The resource includes:

  1. a pre module test:- an interactive multiple choice test with feedback that may be used to evaluate student's knowledge of the names of commonly used wood joints
  2. animations of 20 types of commonly used wood joints, an explanation of why wood joints are used and examples of wood joints in use
  3. an interactive multiple choice wood joints test with feedback and "Start Over" buttons that develops student's learning and informs them of their progress
  4. an interactive wood joints test with input fields, feedback and "Start Over" buttons that develops student's learning and informs them of their progress
  5. an end of module wood joints test:- an interactive test with input fields and feedback that tests student's knowledge
  6. animations of a range of commonly used knock down fittings (KD fittings)
  7. detailed notes and step by step animation showing how screws may be hidden in plugged counterbores when joining timber parts using screws
  8. a list of adhesives and their uses
  9. focused practical task: making a cross halving joint, includes students' worksheet plus teacher's lesson plan
  10. focused practical task: making a mortice and tenon joint, includes students' worksheet plus teacher's lesson plan.
  11. notes for teachers and students describing how the tests may be used and how students' score may be recorded.
Resource Description
Start of module test

Multiple choice questions about the names of 20 commonly used wood joints. Test has feedback and score.

PDF version available for printing and duplicating.

Wood joints animations Animations of 20 types of wood joints.
Wood Joints Test: multiple choice Multiple choice test with feedback and score and "Start Over" buttons.
Wood Joints Test: input fields Wood joints test with feedback and score and "Start Over" and "Help" buttons.
End of module test

Wood joints test with feedback and score.

PDF version available for printing and duplicating.

Knock Down Fittings
(KD Fittings)
Description and animation of commonly used KD fittings.
Joining timber and manufactured boards using screws Description of the process of joining timber using screws, counterboring and plugging to hide the screw heads.

Description of the uses of some common adhesives.

PDF version available for printing and duplicating.

Making a cross halving joint:
(focused practical task)
Students' animated worksheet PDF version
Teacher's lesson plan PDF version
Making a mortice and tenon joint:
(focused practical task)
Students' animated worksheet PDF version
Teacher's lesson plan PDF version
Notes for teachers and students How to use the Wood Joints Module interactive tests

Wood joints covered:

Learning Objectives

Students will learn that: 


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